【Research letter】Effects of electrical muscle stimulation on physical function in frail older patients with acute heart failure: a randomized controlled trial
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology,Volume 29 Issue 8 May 2022
Efficacy and Safety of Acute Phase Intensive Electrical Muscle Stimulation in Frail Older Patients with Acute Heart Failure: Results from the ACTIVE-EMS Trial
Efficacy of Belt Electrode Skeletal Muscle Electrical Stimulation in the Postoperative Rest Period in Patients with Diabetes who Have Undergone minor Amputations: A Randomized Controlled Trial
The International Journal of Lower Extremity Wounds
Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation during Hemodialysis Suppresses Postprandial Hyperglycemia in Patients with End-Stage Diabetic Kidney Disease: A Crossover Controlled Trial
Electrical Stimulation in Addition to Passive Exercise Has a Small Effect on Spasticity and Range of Motion in Bedridden Elderly Patients:A Pilot Randomized Crossover Study
Scientific Research An Academic Publisher Health, Vol.11, 1072-1086 No.8, August 2019
Effects of electrical muscle stimulation in frail elderly patients during haemodialysis (DIAL): rationale and protocol for a crossover randomised controlled trial
Impact of prolonged neuromuscular electrical stimulation on metabolic profile and cognition-related blood parameters in type 2 diabetes: A randomized controlled cross-over trial.
Effects of Acute Phase Intensive Electrical Muscle Stimulation in Frail Elderly Patients With Acute Heart Failure (ACTIVE-EMS): Rationale and protocol for a multicenter randomized controlled trial.
Effect of early implementation of electrical muscle stimulation to prevent musle atrophy and weakness in patients after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (前十字靭帯再建術後早期の筋電気刺激による筋萎縮および筋力低下の予防効果)